Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Rule Change #1.003.47C

Points for GC scores.

As described before, all GC scores are not created equal.

To set the GC score on a game with only 4 plays is cake.

To set the GC score on a game with 100 plays is difficult.

I got several good suggestions and in the end here's the deal...

It's just too damned easy to get a good score (as a % of the median) and set the GC on a game that doesn't have many plays. So, if the game has less than 20 plays, there is no bonus for setting and holding the GC.

50 games seems to be the next level for plays and 100 separates the most popular from the rest.

So, in the end, here are the new GC bonus points awarded at the end of the tournament.

Machines with <20 plays - 0 Points
Machines with 20-49 plays - 1 point
Machines with 50-99 plays - 2 points
Machines with >99 plays - 3 points

I didn't want to go higher than 3 pts so that no one could run away from the pack.

That'll make the GC more coveted on the popluar games and make the competition more wild and woolly.

Of course you still get all the same points for your score each week (% of median) regardless of how many plays are on the machine you choose.

Love & Kisses,

The Commish

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