Monday, February 15, 2010

GC Scores & bonus points (future change)

To remind everyone, at the end of next week (the end of the tournament), everyone who scored and still holds the GC score on a machine during the tournament will get a bonus point for each GC score. That could make or break a winner.

It did get me thinking, though... It is MUCH easier to get a GC score on a newly qualified game than one that has had lots of play. When a game is newly q'd, there have only been 4 games played. The odds of you being able to set the GC score vs 4 other scores are much better than (for instance) a machine that as had 100 plays.

Just like at home, when you reset the GC scores, you keep breaking it in the beginning, but then as more games pile up and there is more data, the GC score becomes higher and harder to break.

SO, while I won't change the rules in the middle of the Tourney, I think that next time the award for setting the new GC on a machine will be based on how many games have been played historically on that machine in the league. You may get 1 bonus point for the new GC on a newly q'd game and yet get 3 or 4 bonus points for the new GC on something that's been played more than 100 times like LOTR or TZ.


1 comment:

Rezendes said...

Maybe one point for each 25 plays or part thereof with a max of 4 or 5.

Up to 24 plays= 1pt
25-50 plays= 2 pts
51-75 plays= 3 pts
76-100 plays= 4 pts
101+ plays= 5 pts