Thursday, January 28, 2010

Newly Q'd Games

The medians and highs are updated for this weekend's games. Click on the link in the right column to see them all.

New machines this week are Embryon, Genie and NBAFB.

There are now 120 games to choose from AND 14 more that have 3 games played toward qualification and only need one more.

In all, 310 different machines have had a score submitted on them and a grand total of 3,278 games have been played in the RGPL all included.

TZ still has the most plays. Followed by SM, LOTR, WH2O and AFM - they are the only ones with over 100 plays each, making the GC score on those much more impressive. Of those, the SM GC is the one that is the greatest percentage of its median, making it my vote for best score so far of all games.

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